Zoning Inspector: 

The Zoning Inspector is appointed by the Mayor to enforce the Zoning Code. The Zoning Inspector is charged with the issuance of permits and enforcement of violations for alterations, repair, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location of buildings and structure in accordance with the Village Zoning Code and State Law.

Please contact the Zoning Inspector if you have any questions regarding Zoning, Zoning Permits, or would like to report a violation.

Zoning Inspector – Jeremy Shaffer (Village Administrator) or Vacant (Deputy Village Administrator) Phone: (440) 466-8197.


Demolition permits must be obtained from the Ashtabula County Building Department.

A demolition permit must be presented to the Village Zoning Inspector.

Permit holder must contact Village Wastewater Department to arrange inspection of sealed sewer lateral.

Zoning Documents:

Click here to download the Zoning Code. pdf

Don’t know what your property is zoned? Please refer to the  Village Zoning Map-2023 pdf or visit the following links for additional information. 

2023-02 Amending Zoning Map

2023-21 Amending Chapter 1115 Zoning Code

2023-22 Establishing Zoning Chapter 1123 Neighborhood Mixed Use

2023-23 Repealing Section 1127 – Commerica Service District

2023-24 Creating Chapter 1125 Resort District

2023-25 Creating Chapter 1126 Luxury Motorcoach District

If you need a zoning permit, please print, fill out, and return the ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION- 2023 May along with the appropriate fee to Village Hall. 

Coastal Guidance for construction or development along Ohio’s Lake Erie shore available at this link.
        ***Note: Commercial and Residential Building Codes are administered by the Ashtabula County Building Department. If your project requires a building permit please contact their office. If both a building permit and zoning permit are required, you must obtain a zoning permit from the Village first.

Ashtabula County Building Department click here to visit website

25 West Jefferson Street       Jefferson, OH 44047-1027       (440) 576-3737 

County Residential Submittal Packet County Residential Building Application 

County Licensed Sewer and Water Contractors

Ashtabula County Health Department click here to visit website      

12 West Jefferson Street       Jefferson, OH 44047-1027       (440) 576-6010

Food Service Operation Applicationpdf Application for a License to Conduct a Temporary Food Servicepdf

Food Service Plan Review (6-2013)pdf Information Document